I Never Saw Another Butterfly
SFGC 9601
Songs of the Twentieth Century

San Francisco Girls Chorus
Sharon J. Paul
June 1, 1996
1. - 9. Charles Davidson (b. 1929) I Never Saw Another Butterfly (1971)
  1. It All Depends On How You Look At It
  2. Man Proposes, God Disposes
  3. Terezin
  4. The Butterfly
  5. The Garden
  6. The Little Mouse
  7. On A Sunny Evening
  8. Yes, That's The Way Things Are
  9. Birdsong
10. Alberto Grau (b. 1937)
11. Pablo Casals (1876-1973)
12. Ernst Krenek (1900-1991)
13. Virgil Thomson (1896-1989)
14. Arne Mellnas (b. 1933)
15. Einojuhani Rautavaara (b. 1928)
16. Judith Shatin (b. 1949)
17. Laszlo Halmos (b. 1909)
Como Tu
Nigra Sum (1942)
In Paradisum (1946)
Seven Songs from the Medea of Euripides (1934)
Aglepta (1969)
"Suite" de Lorca (1973)
The Wendigo (1993)
Tavaszi Kantata (pub. 1952)