Max Ehrlich Association
Bunter Abend 2
(Colorful Evening 2)
March 1944

In mid November 1943, the protection against deportation, previously afforded to members of the Theater Group, comes to an abrupt end. Henceforth, troupe members - except for the stars - are eligible "for transport" to the East.
In February 1944, 811 persons are sent to Theresienstadt, including the film actor and director Kurt Geron.
Josef Baar, Hermann Feiner, Heinz Rosenfeld, Gunter Witepski and Arthur Durlacher are also gone by the time the present revue is staged, as is the chorus line.
This time the program includes 16 scenes particularly aimed at the younger camp inmates who, because they constitute a necessary labor force in Westerbork, still remain more-or-less unthreatened by deportation.
Tickets for this production are greatly sought after by the camp inmates. They aren't expensive, only 10 cents, but they are difficult to come by.
The program lists 16 scenes:
1. Parkett Reihe 1 
(Esther Philipse, Mara Rosen, Otto Aurich, Liesl Frank, Franz Engel, Max Ehrlich)
2. Jetty Cantor [Ich hab' es heut' nacht den Sternen erzählt...] [I Told it to the Stars Tonight...]
3. Max Ehrlich - Franz Engel  [Fröhlich und Schön] [Happy and Nice]
4. Esther Philipse [So ein Mädel vom Chor...] [Such a Girl from the Chorus Line...]
5. Franz Engel [in seimnem Repertoir] [In his Repertoire]
6. Liesl Frank - Otto Aurich [Warum so allein, Fräulein?] [Why so Lonely, Miss?]
7. Max Ehrlich - Franz Engel [1000 Worte Unsinn] [1000 Words of Nonsense]
8. Liesl Frank [Die kleine Schneiderin] [The Little Seamstress]
9. Johnny and Jones [Westerbork Serenade]
10. That's the Way its Got to be Done [Musical Comedy]
So muss man's machen [Musikalischer Schwank] 
(Franz Engel, Max Ehrlich, Jetty Cantor, Esther Philipse, Otto Aurich, Mara Rosen)
11. Jetty Cantor - Esther Philipse
[Hawaii - Guitarre, sing ein kleines Liebeslied...] [Hawaii - Guitar, Sing a Little Love Song...]
12. Max Ehrlich [Der spielwütige Bühenarbeiter] [The Star Struck Stagehand]
13. Liesl Frank - Otto Aurich [Sag' es ihr beim Tanzen.] [Tell her while you're Dancing]
14. Gespielte Witze, Jokes Played
15. Willy Rosen - Erich Ziegler [an zwei Flügeln.] [On Two Grand Pianos]
16. Gezähmte Bestien [Schwank] , Tamed Beasts [Comedy]
(Max Ehrlich, Liesl Frank, Franz Engel, Esther Philipse, Mara Rosen, Otto Aurich)
  The performers named in the program are:
Jetty Cantor
Liesl Frank
Esther Philipse
Mara Rosen
Otto Aurich
Franz Engel
Max Ehrlich
Max Kannewasser (Jones)
Willy Rosen
Nol van Wesel (Johnny)
Erich Ziegler