Max Ehrlich Association
Bunter Abend
(Colorful Evening)
July 1943
The Westerbork Theater Group's first production,  "Bunter Abend" (Colorful Evening), is staged in July and August 1943.
Max Ehrlich is the director, but also plays a speaking role.
Essentially, the program consists of scenes taken from the repertoires of each of the individual performers.
However, one new song in particular becomes the first   Westerbork hit tune: "Hachscharah Song" (Hachscharahlied), about the girls in the Zionist workgroup by the same name in Westerbork.
The show is a big success and as a result the Theater Group gets permission to recruit further members...  thereby saving a few more people from transport to the extermination camps in the East.
The program lists 10 scenes: 
1. Josef Baar plaudert und reimt, Chats and Rhymes
2. Camilla Spira in ihrem Repertoire, in her Repertoire
3. Max Ehrlich in seiner Szene "Theaterbesuch", in his Scene "Theater Visit"
4. Willy Rosen ("...der Text und die Musik sind von mir...") ("...the Words and the Music are by Me...")
5. Chaja Goldstein in ihrem Repertoire, in her Repertoire
6. SCHACHMATT (Sketch) , CHECKMATE (Sketch) (Max Ehrlich, Camilla Spira, Josef Baar)
7. DER MANN OHNE NAMEN(Sketch), THE MAN WITHOUT A NAME (Sketch) (Max Ehrlich, Josef Baar)
8. Willy Rosen - Erich Ziegler an 2 Klavieren, at 2 Pianos
9. Camilla Spira: , Songs
(Der Neuling: Max Ehrlich, der Fachmann: Josef Baar)
(The Newcomer: Max Ehrlich, the Expert: Josef Baar)
  The performers named in the program are:
Chaja Goldstein
Camilla Spira
Josef Baar
Max Ehrlich
Willy Rosen
Erich Ziegler

Also named:
Eugen Frankenstein, decoration 
Richard Türkel, lighting