Julius Hijman (1901-1969)
pianiste, compositeur et musicologue

Julius Hijman Archive

Hijman Julius, né à Almelo, a étudié le piano avec Dirk Schäfer et (à Vienne) Paul Weingarten, la composition avec Sem Dresden.

Il a participé à des concerts de la Société de musique contemporaine.
En 1939, il émigre aux États-Unis, où il a travaillé comme chargé de cours au Collège de New York de la musique.
Son œuvre se compose principalement de la musique de piano et des chansons.
Il a contribué à faire connaître Schönberg, Berg et Webern, (en 1937 un article dans Caecilia)
C'est l'un des rares musiciens juifs à avoir échappé à la déportation, en émigrant aux USA avec sa famille.
Professeur aux conservatoires de Houston, Kansas City, Philadelphie et de New York, sa musique (musique de chambre et musique chorale) reste méconnue en Hollande.


Composer and pianist Julius Hijman was born on 25 January 1901 in Almelo and grew up in musical and artistic circles. He studied piano with Dirk Schäfer and completed his studies in Vienna with Paul Weingartner. He chose Sem Dresden as his tutor in composition.
In the 1930s Julius Hijman gave regular piano concerts, mainly of the chamber music for which he had a preference. He was also passionate about the contemporary music of his time. For the contemporary music association called Vereniging voor Hedendaagse Muziek he arranged programs of modern music where he himself was often the pianist. He also wrote articles in the association’s journal. In 1937 he published short articles in 'Caeciliareeks' – the “small reference work for music lovers” – on Schönberg, Berg and Webern. At Hijman’s death in 1969 Wouter Paap wrote in his obituary in 'Mens en Melodie' that Hijman’s articles on these three composers were still worth reprinting. As a composer Hijman was not attracted to atonal and serial music. His collected works of some 80 compositions are of a mainly poetic or romantic character.
In 1939, sensing approaching disaster in Europe, Hijman emigrated with his wife and son to America. There he taught at the New York College of Music. He always kept up his musical contacts with his homeland, particularly after he war when he frequently visited the Netherlands. He was a member of the Committee for Netherlands Music in the USA where he promoted performances of music by Dutch composers. Most of his own music (mainly chamber music) was composed after he had left the Netherlands. Hijman died in New York on 6 January 1969. 

Diet Scholte

Selected works

Symphonische Suite (1938) for orchestra
Sonate (1940) for violin and piano
Second String Quartet (1942) for string quartet
Harp Suite (1948) for harp solo
Partita (1948) for two pianos
Sonata (1949) for flute and piano
Second Sonata (1959) for cello and piano
Four songs of W.B. Yeats (1960) for baritone and piano