On the Music of Stefan Wolpe
Edited by Austin Clarkson

Pendragon Press No.: 563
ISBN: 1-57647-063-0
Accompanying this book is a CD with the following performances included
1. Battle Piece.
    Recorded by David Tudor (20:44).
2. Battle Piece.
    Recorded by David Holzman at the Sonic Temple, Roslindale, Massachusetts, 2000-2001 (24:30).
3. In Two Parts for Six Players.
    Recorded at Holy Trinity Church, New York City, 28 March 1988
    Allen Blustine, clarinet, Raymond Mase, trumpet, Barbara Allen, harp, Edmund Niemann, piano, Cyrus Stevens, violin, Chris Finckel, cello, Anthony Korf, conductor (9:05).
4. Piece in Two Parts for Solo Violin.
    Rose Mary Harbison.
    First released in Acoustic Research Contemporary Music Project
    Reissued as New World LP NW 308 (1980), and again as NW CD 80308-2 (1996). (12:26)